Download BlueNor, Nordic Module Document
Download M.2 module LN60G840F, M262840F codes.
Module Data Sheets
LN60G840F LTE-BLE Module Product Specifications.
M262X840XE BLE-LoRa Module Product Specifications.
BC40C, BC40M, BC40P Product Specifications.
BC805M Product Specifications.
BC832 Data sheets
BC833M, BC833E Product Specifications.
BC840, BC840M, BC840E Data sheets.
BM832, BM832A, BM832E, BM840, BM840P Data sheets.
BM833, BM833F, BM833E, BM833A, BM833AF data sheets.
BT40F, BT40, BT40E, BT40N, BT40NE Product Specifications.
BT832, BT832A, BT832F and BT832AF Data sheets
BT832X and BT832XE Data Sheets, add certifications for FHSS modulation.
BT840F, BT840E, BT840, BT840N, BT840NE Product Specs.
BT840X, and BT840XE Data sheets.
BT600I, BT600I-21, BT600I-23, BT600E Data sheets
ANT060 antenna data sheets.
ANT020 antenna data sheets.
ANT000 antenna data sheets.
PCN, Product Change Notifications
Evaluation Board User Manual
Using BlueNor nRF52 EV board. It has a list of preloaded and available Bluetooth 5 codes for all nRF52 evaluation boards.
Using BlueNor nRF5X Bluetooth 5 stacks. It demonstrates pressing buttons and toggling LED light between module and smartphone.
Using AT Commands on Bluetooth 5 for BT832 Series modules
BlueNor Mesh user manual for BT832F, BT832, and BC832 evaluation boards
EV BT832X User Manual for EV BT832X V3 or newer evaluation board
EV BC832 V2 User Manual for EV BC832 V2 or newer evaluation board
EV BT840F User Manual for BT840F with Slave and Master firmware.
Evaluation Board Schematics and Gerber files
EV-BC40C Schematics and Gerber files.
EV-BT40F Schematics and Gerber files.
EV-LN60G Schematics and Gerber files.
EV-BC805M Schematics and Gerber files.
EV-BC833M Schematics and Gerber files.
EV-BM833 Schematics and Gerber files. New 2-board schematics, main board works to 105C.
EV-BC840 schematics and Gerber files.
EV-BM832 schematics and Gerber files.
EV BT840F evaluation board V4 schematics and Gerber files. Updated in 3Q 2017. Extract library component and use for BT840 Series and BT832 Series.
EV BT832 evaluation board schematics and Gerber files. If you plan to upgrade to using BT840F or BT832X, please use the library component from EV BT840F V3.
EV BT840F evaluation board V3 schematics and Gerber files. V3 has footprint of Arduino Uno Revision 3 with additional connectors for additional GPIOs. The 61 pin library component extracted from Gerber files can be used for BT840F, BT832F, BT832, and BT832X.
EV BC832 evaluation board schematics and Gerber files.
EV BC832 V2 evaluation board schematics and Gerber files.
EV BT600I evaluation board schematics and Gerber files.
Library Components
For Eagle: BC832, BT832, BT832X, BT840. BM832, BM840, BC840, BC840M, BT832F, BT840F, BT840X, , BM833/BM833E, BM833F, BM833A, BM833AF, BM840/BM840P, BT40F, BT40/BT40E, BC833M/BC833E, BC805M, BC40C, BC40M,BC40P. WM02E, BT840N,NE. BT40N,NE.
For PADS: BC832, BT832, BT832X, BT840, BT832F, BT840F, BT840X/BT840XE, BM832/BM832A/BM832E, BC840/BC840E, BC840M, BT840X/BT840XE, BM833/BM833E, BM833F, BM833A/BM833AF, BM840/BM840P, BT40F, BT40/BT40E, BC833M/BC833E, BC40C, BC40M, BC40P. WM02E, BT840N,NE. BT40N,NE.
For Altium: BM832, BC840, BC840M, BT832/BT832F, BT832X/BT832XE, BT840F, BT840/BT840E, BT840X/BT840XE, BM833/BM833E, BM833F, BM833A/BM833AF, BM840/BM840P, BT40F, BT40/BT40E, BC833M/BC833E, BC805M, BC40C, BC40M, BC40P. WM02E. BT840N,NE. BT40N,NE.
WT02C40C,WT02V40V,WT02E40C, Altium, Eagle, Pads, Engineering versions.
For KiCAD: GitHub link,
BM833P (Altium, EAGLE, PADS).
BM832, BM832A, the same for BM833, BM833A, BM840.
Private key for Fanstel Bootloader
EV board codes using Zephyr OS, SDK2.5.0 or Newer (2024)
Hex and source codes for all nRF52 and nRF53 EV boards.
nRF5340 hex and source codes for WT and WM WiFi modules.
LN60E840F, M.2 modules, download from the open source page.
Bluetooth 5 Codes
BT840F and BT840X Mesh Hex codes.
Using BlueNor nRF52 EV board. It has a list of preloaded and available Bluetooth 5 codes for all nRF52 evaluation boards.
For BC832, BT832 (without PA) and BT832X (with PA) in standalone application.
BlueNor nRF5X hex codes including Nordic Bluetooth 5 SoftDevice S132 V5.0.0.
User guides for BlueNor nRF5X.
For BC832, BT832 (without PA) and BT832X (with PA) standalone, master and slave codes.
Master and Slave hex codes.
User guides for Master and Slave codes
nRF52 Bootloader for SoftDevice S132 V5.0.0. OTA.
Android app source codes for testing BlueNor nRF5X and AT command codes.
Mesh light control demo
Mesh light control demo for EV BT832, EV BT832F, and EV BC832
Power Amplifier Control Codes
BT840X SKY66112 Control Codes.
BT832X firmware configuration file for Skyworks SKY66112 power amplifier.
BT840N nRF21540 Control codes.
AT Command Hex Codes
2021 list of AT commands.
AT commands hex codes as of June 2021.
Dropbox link for updated AT commands hex codes.
Bluetooth 5 Range Measurement, Hex Codes and SoftDevices
July 2023: BT40N, BT840N range measurements.
All Bluetooth range measurement codes, Nov. 2019, to add nRF52811 and nR52833 module supports.
For measuring Bluetooth range of one-way transmission from Master to Slave.
nRF52840 +8dBm TX(BT840F, BT840, BT840E): 1Mbps Master, Slave; 125 Kbps Master, Slave. SoftDevice S140.
nRF52840 + SKY66112 (BT840X, BT840XE): 1Mbps Master, Slave; 125 Kbps Master, Slave. SoftDevice S140.
nRF52832 +4 dB TX(BT832, BT832F, BM832, BM832E): Master, Slave, SoftDevice S132.
nRF52832 + SKY66112 (BT832X, BT832XE): Master, Slave, SoftDevice S132.
nRF52810 +4dBm TX(BT832A, BT832AF, BM832A): nRF52832 Master, SoftDevice S132; Slave, SoftDevice S112. nRF52810 does not support Master mode, need an nRF52832 module as master.
LVD EN62368 July 2022 upgrade: BT840 BT840X BC840 BM832 BT832 BC832 BM833A BM833.
LN60G840F Series, M262X840XE Series: FCC, ISED, CE, LVD, RCM. CE Cat M, NB IoT, GNSS.
M262X840XE: RCM.
BC40C, BC40M, BC40P: FCC, ISED, CE, RCM, TELEC. Use internal load capacitors.
BT40/BT40E/BT40F: FCC, ISED, CE, RCM, TELEC. Use internal load capacitors.
BC833M/BC833E: FCC, ISED, TELEC, CE, RCM, LVD. EN301 489-1/17. Taiwan NCC.
BC805M: FCC, ISED, TELEC, CE, RCM. EN301 489-1/17.
BM833/BM833F/BM833E: FCC, ISED, CE, LVD, TELEC, RCM. EN300328 V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17. BM833 FCC SAR. NCC.
BM833A/BM833AF: FCC, ISED, CE, LVD, TELEC, RCM. EN300328 V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17.
BT840/840F/BT840E/BT840H 2019 certifications for Bluetooth and 802.15.4: FCC/ISED, CE, Japan TELEC, Australia and New Zealand RCM. EN300328 V2.2.2. Korea KCC. EN301 489-1/17. Taiwan NCC, Brazil ANTEL. Anatel renewal 2024.
BT840X/BT840XE: FCC, Industrial Canada, CE, Australia and New Zealand. EN300328V2.2.2. FCC-ISED 2022 BT840XE+6dBi Antenna. EN301489-1/17. CLASS II Permissive Change. CE-RCM CLASS II Permissive Change.
BC840/BC840M/BC840E: FCC, Industrial Canada, CE, Japan TELEC, Australia and New Zealand. EN300328V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17. FCC CIIPC for portable.
BM832/BM832A/BM832E: FCC, Industrial Canada, CE, Japan TELEC, Australia and New Zealand, Korea. SAR Reports, 2020 FCC Grant. EN300328V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17.
BC832: FCC, Industrial Canada, Europe, TELEC. EN300328V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17. SAR reports.
BT832/BT832F: FCC, Industrial Canada, Europe, EN300328, EN301489, EN62479, Japan TELEC, Australia and New Zealand. EN300328V2.2.2. EN301 489-1/17. BT832F: China, SRRC.
BT832A/BT832AF: FCC, Industrial Canada, Europe, EN300328, EN301489, EN62479, Japan TELEC, Australia and New Zealand. EN300328V2.2.2. EN301489-1/17.
BT832X/BT832XE: FCC, Industrial Canada. BT832X-FHSS: FCC, ISED. CLASS II Permissive Change.
BT840F/BT840/BT840E 2018 certifications for Bluetooth: FCC, Industrial Canada, EN300328. EN301489, EN50566, CE Certificate, KCC, EN301489-1/17.
BT600I: FCC, Industrial Canada, Europe, Japan, Australia.
BT600E: FCC.