Nordic LTE, WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.3 Modules
Special Single pcs Prices
BT40: nRF5340, dual core Cortex M33 to 128 MHz, BLE 5.2 module for $7.88.
BT840: nRF52840 BLE 5.2 module for $6.88.
The $5.00 modules: nRF52832, BT832 (castellated pins); nRF52833, BM833 (42 GPIOs); BC833M (no external component required for VDD power).
BT832A: BLE 5.2 Module for $3.75.
BC805M: BLE 5.2 module, $2.50.
Flat rate shipping is available within the USA via USPS, and worldwide via FedEx or DHL International Express.
BT, full size Modules, all with compatible footprints, the longest Bluetooth ranges.
nRF5340 modules: BT40F, BT40, BT40E, BT40N, BT40NE (with an nRF21540 PA); no external component required.
nRF52840 modules: BT840, BT840E, BT840F (BLE range 2300 meters), BT840N, BT840NE (with an nRF21540 PA).
BT840X, BT840XE (with a PA, BLE range> 4500 meters);
nRF52832 modules: BT832, BT832F (BLE range760 meters), BT832X, BT832XE (with a PA, BLE range, 1170 meters)
nRF52810 modules: BT832A, BT832AF (BLE range 760 meters).
BM, mini Modules, all with compatible footprint, lower cost
nRF52840 modules: BM840, BM840P;
nRF52833 modules: BM833, BM833E, BM833F;
nRF52832 modules: BM832, BM832E;
nRF52811 modules: BM833A, BM833AF;
nRF52810 modules: BM832A;
BC, compact modules, compatible footprints for the same SoC only.
nRF5340: BC40C, BC40M, BC40P (size 8.4x9.0x1.6mm);
nRF52840: BC840, BC840M, BC840E;
nRF52833: BC833M, BC833E, both crystals embedded.
nRF52832: BC832 (7.8x8.8x1.3mm, castellated pins).
nRF52805: BC805M, $2.50 each at 1 pcs, castellated pins.
Combo modules for M.2 connector
LTE-M + NB-IoT + BLE: LN60E40F (nRF9160, nRF5340), LN60E840XE (nRF9160, +21dBM nRF52840)
BLE + LoRa: M262840F (SX1262, nRF52840), M262X840XE (+29.2 dBm LoRa, +21 dBm BLE)
Modules for M.2 Connector
LTE-BLE Combo Module, LN60G840F
M.2 connector, 67 pins, B Key
nRF9160 SICA LTE-M/NB-IoT Module
u.FL connector for external LTE antenna
LN60E: An u.FL connector for external GPS antenna.$29.98 each at 1K pcs.
LN60G: Integrated GPS antenna and receiver amplifier. $34.12 each at 1K pcs.
LN60E40E: LN60E with BT40E, nRF5340 BLE 5.2 module.
LN60G840F: LN60G with BT840F, nRF52840 BLE 5.2 module, $43.00 each at 1K pcs.
LN60E840E: with BT840E, nRF52840 BLE 5.2 module, $38.79 each at 1K pcs.
LN60G40F: with BT40F, nRF5340 BLE 5.2 module, integrated GPS antenna
BLE-LoRa Combo Module, M262X840XE
BT840XE, max. BLE TX power +21 dBm. The longest range BLE module.
LR62XE, max. LoRa TX power +29.21 dBm. The longest range LoRa module.
M262X840XE: BT840XE + LR62XE.
M262840F: BT840F + LR62E.
M262X40F: BT40F + LR62XE.
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