Sensors and Ready to Use Products
IP67 BLE, LTE Sensors
IBeacon and Eddystone Sensors, Beacons
We preload codes to support basic operation of iBeacon and Eddystone protocols. They are ready to use. Source codes are available for development of advanced features.
IP67 Sensors
Supports BLE, 802.15.4, LTE, LoRa interfaces
Size 107x141x40mm
Desk, wall or pole mountable
Use 4 AA Lithium batteries, up to 30 watts; -40C to +85C operating temperature.
ST Micro LIS3DH 3-axis motion sensor
M12 connector for external wired sensors
With firmware development, it can works as a gateway.
Availability: samples
SE6233F BLE 5.1-LoRa Sensors
AMS ENS210 temperature, humidity sensors
ST Micro LIS3DH 3-axis motion sensor
BM833F, long range BLE 5.1, 802.15.4, nRF52833 module
LR62E, Semtech SX1262 LoRa module
Size: 60x60x22mm
Power supply: 2AAA batteries, not included
Availability: sample
SC833FSensor and SC833AF Beacon
iBeacon or Eddystone beacon protocol
AMS ENS210 humidity and temperature sensor
ST Micro LIS3DH 3-axis motion sensor
BM833F, nRF52833 BLE 5.1 long range module
Size:30x31x10 mm
Power supply: CR2032 button battery, not included
SC833AF with BM833AF long range nRF52811 module. No sensor.
Availability” sample
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For volume discount and production lead time, please email Fanstel.