BMH20C, BMH20E,BMH20M nRF54H20 Bluetooth 6.0 Thread, Zigbee Modules
No External Component Required, Minimum Host PCB Area
BMH20C is a Nordic nRF54H20 BLE 6.0 module with a dualcore Cortex M33 MCUs at up to 320MHz and a dualcore RISC-V at up to 320 MHz. Both 32 MHz and 32.768 KHz, -40C to +105C, 20PPM crystals are integrated. Host PCB area is minimized without needing an external component.
BMH20C is footprint-upgradeable from BM15C, an nRF54L15 module. It is also footprint upgradeable to WM02CH20C, an nRF54H20 and nRF7002 WiFi 6 combo module.
Module Summaries
Size 10x15.8x2mm
High performance chip antenna.
Availability: Preorder up to 5 BMH20C modules and 1 EV-BMH20C for quick delivery. Module sample quantity is limited. Shipment of a larger order will be held till better availability of nRF54H20 samples.
Size 10x14x2mm
PCB antenna.
Size 10x14x2mm
an u.FL connector for external antenna.
BMH20C Specifications:
BLE 6.0, IEEE 802.15.4-2006 Transceiver
Complete RF solution with integrated antenna
BLE: 2Mbps, 1Mbps, 500kbps, 125kbps.
IEEE 802.15.4-2006: 250 kbps.
Proprietary: 4Mbps, 2Mbps, 1Mbps.
Programmable TX power, +10 dBm.
AoA and AoD direction finding using BLE.
Platform Security
PSA Level 3.
Secure Boot, Secure firmware Update, and Secure Storage.
Root of Trust and Physically Uncloneable Function (PUF).
Cryptographic accelerators hardened against side-channel attacks.
Tamper detection.
Application processor
ARM Cortex M33, 320MHz.
32 KB tightly coupled RAM.
Dynamic Voltage-Frequency Scaling (DVFS)
TrustZoneR FPU, DSP.
Radio processor
ARM Cortex M33, 256MHz.
192 KB tightly coupled RAM.
TrustZoneR FPU, DSP.
320MHz, RiSC-V with 64 KB of tightly coupled RAM.
16 MHz RISC-V with 64 KB of tightly coupled RAM.
2MB non-volatile M-RAM, 2 independent banks.
768 KB RAM.
External memory interface, XiP-capable, supporting QSPI, xSPI, HyperBus, up to 400 MB/s.
High-speed USB (480 Mbps).
CAN FD controller
2 x I3C
Audio PLL, 2 x TDM, PDM.
14-bit ADC, COMP and LPCOMP.
2 x High speed timer and 8 x timer, Global RTC.
SIMIF (ISO 7816-compatible interface to smart cards).
2 x QDEC.
64 GPIOs.
90 LGA pins.
1.8V and 3.3V supply voltage.
Operation temperature: -40°C to +105°C
Advanced wearables
Smart home and Matter
Medical and healthcare
LE Audio
Virtual reality and augmented reality
Australia and New Zealand:
Japan TELEC:
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Order Products
For volume discount and production lead time, please email Fanstel.
BMH20C, the long range nRF54H20 BLE 6.0 module with a high performance chip antenna.
Preorder up to 5 BMH20C modules and 1 EV-BMH20C for quick delivery. Sample quantity is limited. Shipment of a larger order will be held till better availability of nRF54H20 samples.
BMH20M, nRF54H20 BLE 5.4 module with a PCB antenna.
BMH20E, an nRF54H20 BLE 6.0 module with an u.FL connector for external antenna
EV board for BMH20C, nRF54H20 Bluetooth 6.0 module. A Nordic nRF54H20 PDK is required to program EV-BMH20C.